A woman breastfeeds her baby

Breastfeeding: A smart investment

Breastfeeding is a vital part of providing every child with the healthiest start in life. It is a baby’s first vaccine and best source of nutrition, and can bolster brain development.

Breastfeeding also nurtures national economies. Increased rates of breastfeeding can improve a country’s prosperity by lowering healthcare costs and producing stronger, more able workforces.

But breastfeeding is not just a one-woman job. It requires encouragement and support from skilled counsellors, family members, health care providers, employers, policymakers and others.

By investing US$570 million a year for the next 10 years, governments, donors and partners can help raise the rate of exclusive breastfeeding to at least 50 per cent.

Improved rates of breastfeeding lead to...

A global breastfeeding call to action

The Global Breastfeeding Collective calls for increased financing and better implementation of policies, programmes and interventions to provide mothers the support they need to breastfeed.

Governments can take seven actions to drive progress on breastfeeding and raise the global rate of exclusive breastfeeding to at least 50 per cent by 2025.

1. Increase funding to raise the rate of breastfeeding from birth to 2 years.

2. Adopt and monitor the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.

2. Adopt and monitor the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.

3. Enact paid family leave and workplace breastfeeding policies.

3. Enact paid family leave and workplace breastfeeding policies.

4. Implement the ‘Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding’ in maternity facilities.

4. Implement the ‘Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding’ in maternity facilities.

5. Improve access to skilled breastfeeding counselling in health facilities.

5. Improve access to skilled breastfeeding counselling in health facilities.

6. Strengthen links between health facilities and communities to support breastfeeding.

6. Strengthen links between health facilities and communities to support breastfeeding.

7. Monitor the progress of policies, programmes and funding for breastfeeding.

7. Monitor the progress of policies, programmes and funding for breastfeeding.

Featured resources

Marketing of Formula Milk

This report - the largest of its kind to date - draws on the experiences of over 8,500 women and 300 health professionals across eight countries.

Visit the page

Call to Action

We believe in a world in which all mothers have the technical, financial, emotional and public support they need to start and continue to breastfeed.

Get the document

Key advocacy messages on breastfeeding and COVID-19

Early, exclusive breastfeeding helps a baby to thrive. The unparalleled benefits of breastfeeding outweigh any potential risk of transmission.

See the full report

The investment case for breastfeeding

The case to invest in breastfeeding has never been stronger, nor the need for action clearer.

Get the document

Maternity leave legislation in support of breastfeeding

A collection of selected country case studies on maternity leave legislation in support of breastfeeding

See the full report

Breastfeeding advocacy briefs

2025 Nutrition For Growth Summit

Four SMART Breastfeeding Commitments

See the full report

Midwives and Nurses - supporting breastfeeding worldwide

Midwives and nurses playing a vital role in breastfeeding worldwide

See the full report

Advocacy brief: Skilled breastfeeding counselling

Skilled breastfeeding counselling is one of the most effective strategies for improving breastfeeding rates.

See the full report

Breastfeeding and prevention of overweight in children

Breastfeeding has important benefits throughout a child’s life. It reduces the risk of overweight and protects children from negative health consequences.

See the full report

Breastfeeding and family-friendly policies

Maternity leave is critical to enabling exclusive and continued breastfeeding. Time, resources and protective policies are crucial to support breastfeeding.

See the full report

Breastfeeding and gender equality

Supporting women to breastfeed is everyone’s responsibility. Breastfeeding programmes can support gender equality and foster women’s empowerment.

See the full report

Advocacy brief: Breastfeeding in emergency situations

Breastfeeding in emergencies saves lives, but is no easy feat; mothers face immense challenges.

See the full report

Breastfeeding and early childhood development

The gains from early childhood nutrition are forever. Breastfeeding supports healthy growth and protects against life-threatening and chronic illnesses.

See the full report

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