Are We There Yet?

Measuring Global Progress on Protecting Breastfeeding

Are We There Yet?

Which countries held formula manufacturers to account for predatory marketing – and which still had far to go?

Attendees were updated on the status of enacting, monitoring, and enforcing the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes around the globe.

They learned about the key recommendations to protect the health of mothers and infants from misleading marketing of formula and related products.

Countries shared what worked – and the hurdles they still faced – in protecting the health of mothers and infants from predatory marketing practices.

The webinar elevated the findings of the 2024 Code Status Report. The report included an accounting of the legal status of the Code and processes for monitoring and enforcement to ensure the effectiveness of those laws.

Hosted by UNICEF, the World Health Organization and the Global Breastfeeding Collective.

The webinar, Are We There Yet?, was held: 

Thursday, 23 May 2024 
23 May 2024

12:00  (UTC/GMT)

05:00 Vancouver
06:00 Mexico City
08:00 New York
09:00 Rio de Janeiro
13:00 London/Lagos
14:00 Cape Town
17:30 New Delhi
21:00 Tokyo
22:00 Brisbane

Simultaneous interpretation was conducted in English, Spanish, French, Russian, Arabic and Chinese.




The Global Breastfeeding Collective is a partnership of more than 20 prominent international agencies, including the World Health Organization and UNICEF, calling on donors, policymakers, philanthropists and civil society to increase investment in breastfeeding worldwide.

Mothers share their stories

Advocacy Resources

Protecting Infant and Young Child Nutrition from Industry In

A guide to understanding and combatting industry interference and conflicts of interest

Visit the page

What I Should Know About ‘the Code’

A guide to implementation, compliance and identifying violations

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What Do You See?

You See, They See: Formula milk marketing and infant feeding

Visit the page

IBFAN Code Essentials Series

This series of booklets supports countries in developing and strengthening measures to control the marketing of breastmilk substitutes. The materials are de

Visit the page

International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes a

Recommendations for member states of the World Health Organization

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