Our Partners

The Global Breastfeeding Collective is...

Collective partners

Associates of the Collective

The Global Breastfeeding Collective invites alliances with committed entities willing to join the Collective as Associates.

An Associate must support the broad goals, mission and vision of the Collective and demonstrate the potential to contribute significantly to the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding.

By joining the Collective as Associates, organizations have an opportunity to be part of the global dialogue on breastfeeding advocacy. The Associate status does not grant organizations a decision-making role in the Collective, which is reserved for partners only.

Read the Guide on how to become an Associate of the Collective.

Coordinating Committee

The decision-making body of the Global Breastfeeding Collective is the Coordinating Committee. Members include representatives from UNICEF, WHO, and rotating participants from partner organizations. Learn more about their role here.