24 May 2021

Breastfeeding Advocacy Toolkit

Policy action 1 Funding Policy action 2 Code Policy action 3 Workplace Policy action 4 Ten Steps Policy action 5 Counselling Access Policy action 6 Community Links Policy action 7 Monitoring The Breastfeeding Advocacy Toolkit is a comprehensive collection of advocacy tools and resources aimed at improving policies and financing for the protection…, 让我们使母乳喂养发挥作用, 让我们使母乳喂养发挥作用 请加入全球母乳喂养团体的网络研讨会,庆祝世界母乳喂养周。休产假和工作场所便利设施是营造母乳喂养环境的关键特征。听妈妈们介绍她们如何兼顾工作与母乳喂养的经验,从利用循证政策使母乳喂养发挥作用的国家/地区获得新想法,了解最新的休产假建议,查找支持宣传的资源。  “让我们使母乳喂养发挥作用”网络研讨会的举办时间:  2023 年 8 月 3 日(星期四)  温哥华凌晨 5 点  纽约上午 8 点  拉各斯下午 1 点  日内瓦下午 2 点  印度下午 5:30  悉尼晚上 10 点  在此处查找您所在时区的活动。 提供阿拉伯语、中文、英语、法语、俄语和西班牙语的同声传译。  全球母乳喂养团体是包括世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会在内的 20 多个著名国际机构的合作伙伴关系…, Сделаем грудное вскармливание эффективным, Сделаем грудное вскармливание эффективным Присоединяйтесь к вебинару, организованному Глобальной группой в поддержку грудного вскармливания, который посвящен Всемирной неделе грудного вскармливания. Отпуск по беременности и родам и обустройство рабочего места являются критически важными условиями для грудного вскармливания. Вы услышите рассказы……, لنجعل الرضاعة الطبيعية تعمل, لنجعل الرضاعة الطبيعية تعمل يرجى الانضمام إلى التجمع العالمي للرضاعة الطبيعية في ندوة عبر الإنترنت للاحتفال بالأسبوع العالمي للرضاعة الطبيعية. حيث تعتبر إجازة الأمومة ومرافق الرضاعة الطبيعية في مقر العمل من السمات الحاسمة للبيئة التي تمكّن الأمهات من الرضاعة الطبيعية. وذلك لتستمع الى الأمهات وهن يتحدثن عن خبراتهن في الجمع بين العمل والرضاعة… Visit…, Rendons l’allaitement possible, Rendons l’allaitement possible Rejoignez le Collectif mondial pour l'allaitement à l'occasion d'un webinaire pour célébrer la Semaine mondiale de l'allaitement. Le congé de maternité et les aménagements du lieu de travail sont des éléments essentiels d'un environnement propice à l'allaitement. Écoutez les témoignages de mères sur leur expérience……, Hagamos que la lactancia funcione, Hagamos que la lactancia funcione Únete al Colectivo Mundial por la Lactancia en un seminario web para celebrar la Semana Mundial de la Lactancia Materna. La licencia por maternidad y las adaptaciones en el lugar de trabajo son características fundamentales de los entornos que facilitan la lactancia materna. Escucha a madres hablar de sus… Visit…, Let's Make Breastfeeding Work, Let's Make Breastfeeding Work Spanish (Español)           French (Français)           Chinese (中文)       Russian (русский)          Arabic (عربى) Please join the Global Breastfeeding Collective at a webinar to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week. Maternity leave and workplace accommodations are critical features of environments that enable…,…, Share your experience of combining working and breastfeeding, Have you combined working and breastfeeding in the last five years?  The Global Breastfeeding Collective wants to hear your stories of combining work and breastfeeding.   Use your phone and our easy-to-use platform to record a short (30 seconds or less) video sharing:  your strategies for making it work, the challenges you face, and your ideas for…, Clarification on sponsorship of health professional and scientific meetings by companies that market, Companies that market any commercially produced food or beverage product (including complementary foods) specifically for infants and children between 6 and 36 months of age should not sponsor meetings of health professionals and scientific meetings; and health workers, health systems, and health professional associations should not accept… Visit…, Protecting Infant and Young Child Nutrition from Industry Interference and Conflicts of Interest, The baby food industry's interference in policy-making and implementation processes, and the conflicts of interest this creates in health care systems, have limited progress on Code implementation. This clear guide explains the often-hidden processes at work and serves as a call to action for health authorities, health care workers, and… Visit the…, What I Should Know About ‘the Code’, Packed with clear, accessible information, this 20-page guide consolidates the provisions of the Code, WHA resolutions, and the Guidance in one place. It outlines main provisions of these documents and provides specific guidance for four key audiences: governments; manufacturers and distributors; health care systems and health workers; and the……, Extending the Protection: Focusing on 0 to 36 Months, These three resources from WHO outline recommendations for controlling the marketing of foods and beverages targeted toward children under 36 months, specifically addressing the issues of follow-up formulas, growing up milks, and the dangers of cross-promotion of infant formula via labeling as toddler formula. Organization WHO Publication date 14…, What Do You See?, The formula milk industry spends billions every year on marketing, despite an international agreement to restrict marketing, on the basis that formula promotion can have profound and lifelong impacts on children’s health and development. This video exposes how formula milk marketing targets parents during vulnerable moments, including with… Visit…