Countering Industry Arguments Against Code Implementation: Evidence and Rights-Based Responses

Guidance for Advocates of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes


This resource for policymakers and breastfeeding advocates presents the 36 most common arguments the baby food industry uses to oppose Code legislation, alongside responses and counter-arguments based in scientific evidence and international human rights law.

When countries begin to implement Code legislation, baby food industry actors fight back with a predictable set of arguments. These misleading claims — presented as valid concerns, even though they lack legal merit — can delay Code implementation and put protections for families and babies on hold while policymakers work to understand and track down the facts.

This easy-to-navigate document allows you to click on exactly the argument you want to research or understand and find a response clearly documented with the relevant scientific evidence and human rights implications. With this comprehensive resource, policymakers and advocates will be well-equipped to facilitate Code implementation and effectively counter industry opposition.

Addressing Industry Arguments
UNICEF Nutrition and Child Development Section, Programme Group
Publication date